9 Antioxidant-Rich Foods To Enhance Your Skin

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Everybody wants glowing skin, or nearly everybody does. There are many new-fangled ways that experts online suggest for glowing and healthier skin. There are packs, baths and oils that you can buy to improve the health of your skin. But in the end, you are what you eat, and so is your skin.

There are many foods that you can eat for healthy skin. Foods rich in antioxidants are among them. They have a positive impact on your skin and improve it in various ways.

The Effect of Antioxidant-Rich Foods on the Skin

Antioxidants help enhance your skin in multiple ways. It boosts its health and improves how it looks. Some of the ways antioxidant-rich foods help the skin are:

  • They reduce the signs of ageing in the skin, removing wrinkles, fine lines and sagging skin and giving the skin a youthful glow.

  • It can reduce oxidative stress, a major cause of acne.

  • Reduces the sun's effects on the skin, like pigmentation, sunburns and dullness and gives your face a glowing radiance.

  • It also boosts the protective barrier of the skin, reducing the chances of inflammation.

The 9 Antioxidant-Rich Foods

There are a ton of food items that are rich in antioxidants which help improve skin health, and listing all of them is a tedious job. So here are 9 antioxidant-rich foods that are perfect for the job.


Turmeric, a kitchen staple of this country, has long been revered as an anti-inflammatory wonder herb. It soothes the skin and revives it, and its antibacterial properties destroy all the microbes present. You can either mix it in your food and milk or apply it on your skin every day.

  • Cleanses the skin of microbes.

  • Soothes the skin.

  • Revives skin cells and gives your skin a glow.

Dark Chocolate

Dark Chocolate is famous for its effects on the skin. Loaded with Vitamin C, E and Flavanols, it reduces inflammation and improves the elasticity of your skin and prevents signs of ageing. Those with dry skin will also benefit from this since it reduces dryness.

  • Improves the elasticity of the skin.

  • Prevents signs of ageing.

  • Reduces inflammation.

  • Fights dryness.

Chia Seeds

Chia seeds are absolute powerhouses when it comes to nutrients. It is packed with fatty acids, proteins, fibre, vitamins, and minerals. It strengthens not only your skin but also your nails and hair and reduces the risk of heart disease due to the presence of quercetin, a type of antioxidant.

  • Strengthens your hair, skin and nails.

  • Reduces the risk of heart disease.


Kale is bitter, but its effects on the skin sure are sweet! It is a concoction of vitamins and has loads of them. It is packed with vitamins A, C, K and E which is the combination required for the production of collagen fibres. This improves overall skin health.

  • Fights oxidative stress.

  • Improves overall skin health.

  • Gets rid of dark spots.

  • Removes fine lines and other signs of ageing.


Spinach seems like an odd one, right? We know it is rich in iron and fibre, which is good for your blood and gut, but how does it help the skin? The fact is, it is very rich in antioxidants which have anti-ageing and de-stressing properties which are great for your skin.

  • Contains destressing properties that smoothen skin.

  • Reduces signs of ageing

Olive Oil and Coconut Oil

Coconut Oil and Extra Virgin Olive Oil belong to the class of healthy oils which are good for physical health. They contain high doses of vitamins K and E, and their anti-inflammatory and anti-ageing properties give your skin a moisturised and younger look. It is a therapeutic experience, and you can add these to your diet or apply them directly to your skin.

  • Moisturises the skin

  • Fights signs of ageing

  • Reduces inflammation and burns


Berries, in general, are packed with antioxidants, and blueberries have even higher doses of them. This is to the extent that they are known to have the highest amount in the entire plant kingdom. It fights the signs of ageing, improves skin tone and even reduces dark circles.

  • Reduces signs of ageing and dark circles.

  • Improves skin tone.


Almonds are extremely beneficial to your hair and skin. There is a reason we were forced to eat almonds during our childhood, and most of us are now thankful for it. Almonds contain massive amounts of Vitamin E and antioxidants, which protects your skin from oxidative stress and gives it a glow from the inside out.

  • Protects skin from oxidative stress.

  • Gives the skin a glow.


Avocado is a powerhouse of Vitamin E, which is the main ingredient required to fight oxidative stress on the skin. It gives you tougher skin that can withstand a high amount of oxidative stress and happier and healthier skin that gives off a glow.

  • Reduces oxidative stress.

  • Strengthens the skin.

  • Gives it a glow.


Antioxidants are very necessary for our body, and as you now know, they are extremely beneficial to the skin. If you are considering a regimen of antioxidant-rich foods to increase the health of your skin and fight the signs of ageing, the 9 of these are the best place to start with. So start eating right and get that glow you always wanted!