9 Best Ayurvedic Herbs to Boost Your Metabolism

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The metabolic health of the body and the rate of metabolism in the body is given a lot of importance these days. Having a healthy metabolic rate will elevate the overall health of your body, so it is important to regulate it. If you are worried about finding the means to boost your metabolism without any side effects, don't worry, Ayurveda has the solution for you.

Ayurveda has numerous solutions when it comes to fixing or boosting body metabolism. There are many routines and exercises that you can practise, daily habits that you can integrate into your life and various herbs that you can consume.

In this blog, we will be focusing on herbs that can enhance metabolism. While these do help to a great extent. Speaking to a professional is recommended in case of serious issues.


Amla is a wonder herb as far as Ayurveda is concerned. It regulates body metabolism, strengthens your hair and scalp, boosts immunity and overall physical health. Consuming 2 to 3 spoons of dried Amla powder or its fruit juice every day is beneficial to your liver, and reduces inflammation, improves your immune function, regulates blood glucose and protects the heart.


Rich in antioxidants, anticonvulsants, and antibacterial properties, Ashwagnahda, also known as Indian Ginseng, is a herb that is good for boosting metabolism and stamina and maintaining thyroid balance and hormone secretion. It also helps relieve stress and battle insomnia. Consume this in tea form twice a day for the best results.

Mulethi (Licorice)

Mulethi, or Licorice root, is also another substance that boosts metabolism. You can consume this in tea form as well. It has various other health benefits, like improving mental well-being and memory power while reducing inflammation and stress and improving the digestive system.


Nutmeg is rich in fibre and helps improve digestion, heart health, sleep quality and mental health. It is commonly used in baked food. 2 to 3 spoons of powdered nutmeg every day will bring a lot of benefits to your physical and mental health.


Shatavari, commonly called Asparagus (different from Asparagus, the vegetable), is an Ayurvedic herb that holds great value in Ayurveda. It is a versatile herb that can improve digestion, strengthen immunity and improve metabolism. It is recommended to be consumed with warm milk in the mornings.


Turmeric is another versatile herb with antibacterial properties. It enhances metabolism and helps get rid of excess fat by processing it. It enhances glucose metabolism, inflammatory levels, liver function, pancreatic cell function, BMI, leptin levels, insulin secretion, and overall metabolic health.


Cinnamon occupies a special place in Ayurveda, especially Ceylon Cinnamon which is the gold standard when it comes to supporting gut and physical health in the long run. It promotes normal glucose metabolism in the liver and insulin response in the bloodstream and has a warming effect on our organs and system. It also promotes a healthy weight, inflammatory response, and glucose and leptin levels.

Other Spices that Boost Metabolism


Garlic, while being a great spice that adds flavour to your dish, is also a spice with incredible health benefits. It enhances gut health and promotes weight loss. It has always been prescribed since ancient times for stomach and gastric troubles.


A little-known fact about oregano is that it is extremely beneficial for digestive health and weight loss. It contains terpenoids, terpenes, and phenols, including carvacrol, thymol, rosmarinic acid and powerful antioxidants that help speed up metabolism and promote weight loss. It also helps fight inflammation and reduce pain naturally.


Boosting metabolism is crucial for the overall health of the body. While it may seem like a tedious task that requires a lot of investment, it really isn’t. You can use these herbs and spices found in everyday life to enhance your body’s metabolism and improve gut health. So incorporate these herbs today and watch your health take a massive leap in the coming months.