Ayurvedic Massage: The Ultimate Guide to Achieving Total Wellness

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Ayurvedic massage is a holistic healing system that seeks to balance the body, mind, and spirit through the use of herbal oils, gentle strokes, and specific pressure points. 

Ayurvedic massage promotes overall wellness by boosting the immune system, reducing stress, and improving circulation. In this blog, we will explore the different types of Ayurvedic massages and the benefits they provide to enhance your overall health.

What Makes Ayurvedic Massage Unique?

An Ayurvedic massage takes a more holistic approach aiming to relieve emotional stress more than physical stress. When your body is in pain and fatigued, getting an ayurvedic massage can help you get instant relief.

A professional practitioner would do ayurveda massages by administering medicated herbal oils with a variety of health benefits that can permeate the skin, reach the tissues (known as Dhatus), and assist in speeding up the healing process.

The body releases suppressed emotions retained in the tissues and can assist in repairing past emotional trauma by performing specific strokes throughout the massage session.

Various Types of Ayurvedic Massages & Benefits

#1 Garshana

The Garshana massage does not involve any oil or herbal powder. It is a dry form of massage involving vigorous strokes using raw silk, wool, or cotton gloves. 

After a garshana massage, you will typically feel lighter, more energetic and ready to be active. It refreshes the skin and helps remove toxins.


  • Stimulates better metabolism and digestion

  • Removes ama (digestive toxins)

  • Exfoliates the skin

  • Promotes lymphatic drainage

  • Stimulates blood flow and circulation

#2 Shirodhara

Shirodhara is a type of head massage in which a steady stream of herbal medicinal oil is poured on the scalp to activate the nerves in your head. Shirodhara is an excellent therapy for improving general health, well-being, and mental clarity.


  • Reduces mental stress, inducing calmness and relaxation

  • Stimulates a powerful energy point in the forehead, which helps reduce anxiety 

  • Improves clarity and focus

  • Helps with better sleep quality

  • Aids those who suffer from Vata dosha

#3 Abhyanga

Abhyanga is a full-body massage using warm herbal oil. The use of pressure during the massage helps to stimulate energy in the body. 

Abhyanga nourishes the largest organ of your body, the skin. 


  • Reduction in muscle fatigue and tiredness.

  • Improve sleep

  • Improves digestive bowel movements

  • Better mental sharpness and clarity

  • Aids in better skin and hair health due to the reduction in excess Vata dosha

#4 Udvartana

The massage is performed using a dry Ayurvedic powder or herbal paste to release toxins. This dry powder massage is very beneficial for Kapha dosha. It facilitates a detoxification process in which excess fat and cellulite are removed through the process of scrubbing and massaging.

Udvartana is an excellent option if you are trying to lose weight and control your cholesterol level. It also helps enhance your skin tone.


  • It helps reduce body fat

  • Eliminates body odour and helps combat excessive sweating

  • Beneficial in the treatment of cellulite

  • It helps remove excess toxins from the body

  • Aids in the treatment of diabetes, obesity, skin problems and varicose veins

  • Aids with muscular dystrophy and Parkinson's disease

#5 Ubtan or Elakizhi

Herbal Kizhi made from fresh leaves (Ela) with Vata pacifying characteristics is utilised in this Ayurvedic massage (bundles). These Kizhi are massaged on the body after being immersed in warm Ayurvedic oils.

The massage causes sweat in the afflicted region and encourages the skin to discharge wastes, therefore enhancing skin quality. It is a skin and beauty solution that may make you appear young and beautiful.


  • Relieves body pain and stiffness

  • Moisturizes dry skin

  • Enhances skin complexion

  • Helps in sprains and sports injuries

  • Increases muscle strength

#6 Njavarakizhi

Njavarakizhi is well known for increasing body perspiration by topically applying specific medical medications in the shape of boluses bundled up in a muslin bag with Njavara rice puddings. When paired with massage therapy, this substance provides minerals and nourishment to the body's tissues.

Njavarakhi is performed under the direction of an Ayurvedic practitioner with extensive knowledge. The best outcomes will be obtained through proper diagnosis and skilful therapy.


  • Provides relief from muscular pain and stiff joints

  • Helps in the treatment of arthritis and spondylolisthesis

  • Enhances joint flexibility

  • Helps correct the imbalance of doshas 

  • Improves blood circulation

#7 Swedana

Swedana means 'sweat', and is a fomentation massage that induces sweating to remove toxins and provide therapeutic benefits.

In this treatment, the body is initially massaged with herbal oils and then placed into a steam tent which warms the body. The head is kept cool outside the tent while the body heats up to create sweat and release deep-seated physical and emotional toxicity while keeping the mind calm. As pores and channels open, this facilitates the absorption of oils and herbs into the body.


  • Balances Vata and Kapha in the body

  • Detaches toxins; expels them through the tiny pores of the skin along with sweat

  • Increases circulation; reduces inflammation

  • Revitalizes and rejuvenates the skin

  • Improves digestion

  • Removes stupor

  • Acts on fat tissues

  • Relieves stress

  • Eases sore muscles

  • Reduces numbness, stiffness, rigidity, and heaviness; improves mobility

#8 Pizhichil

It involves pouring warm oil continually while carrying out a massage. In Pizhichil massage, a special kind of vessel called a Kindi is used in which warm essential oil is contained. This vessel is kept a few inches above the body. Depending on the person's health condition, a suitable Ayurvedic oil is chosen. This massage works exceptionally well for balancing Vata dosha.


  • Strengthens immunity

  • Improves blood circulation

  • Rejuvenates the body

  • It helps in the healing of fractures

  • Enhances muscle development

  • Assists in the treatment of nerve disorders and weak nervous systems

  • It can help treat rheumatic diseases such as arthritis, paralysis and hemiplegia


An ayurvedic massage is a powerful tool for promoting overall wellness. If you want to improve your physical health, mental clarity, or spiritual well-being, we have listed different types of Ayurvedic massage and benefits in this blog, which can offer unique benefits that can help balance the body, mind and spirit. 

However, it is always important to consult with an Ayurvedic practitioner before trying any of these massages to ensure that it is appropriate for your individual needs.