Effective Ayurvedic Remedies to Get Rid of Dark Spots

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Skin pigmentation or hyperpigmentation also refers to dark spots, patches or overall skin darkening. Dark spots appear when specific areas of the skin generate more melanin than others. 

There are several reasons that cause pigmentation, such as exposure to the sun's damaging UV rays or hormone changes and so on.

In this blog, we have listed all the causes resulting in skin pigmentation, a few effective home remedies and ayurvedic cures for minimising these dark spots.

What Are the Different Types of Dark Spots? 

These are the common types of dark spots are found on the face are freckles, melasma, dark circles, etc. 

  • Freckles: This occurs due to sunlight, which you can notice from a very young age.

  • Age Spots: These are darker spots, and you can notice them as you grow older.

  • Melasma: It is a deeper form of hyperpigmentation that is caused due to hormonal changes in the body. These appear as dark brown patches, mainly on the cheeks.

  • Post-Inflammatory Hyperpigmentation: This occurs due to inflammation and injuries, leaving dark spots on your face.

  • Dark Circles: Visible around the eyes that make your face look dull and tired.

What Causes Dark Spots on the Face & Body?

Hormonal Changes

Skin pigmentation can be caused by hormonal fluctuations, particularly in women. Melasma is a form of skin pigmentation that develops as dark spots on the cheeks or forehead and is more common after pregnancy.

Sun Exposure

Exposure to the harmful sun's UV rays can cause dark spots on the skin in the form of freckles, sunspots, solar lentigines, liver spots etc. 

Side Effects of Medication

Certain medications, such as NSAIDs or non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs, can cause skin pigmentation and dark spots. 

Certain Beauty Products and Perfumes

Certain perfumes and hair products can cause skin irritation, resulting in the appearance of dark spots on the skin.


Medical conditions like diabetes can produce more melanin, leading to dark patches and spots.

Home Remedies to Treat Skin Pigmentation or Dark Spots

1. Turmeric

Turmeric contains anti-inflammatory and antioxidant properties that can help lighten dark spots. Mix turmeric powder with honey or yoghurt to make a paste, and apply it to the affected area for 15-20 minutes and wash it off well. 

2. Tomato

Tomatoes have vitamins A, B and C and produce collagen that helps in reducing dark spots. Apply tomato juice on your face daily and keep it for 20 minutes. Wash it off with cold water later. It brings a natural glow to your face.

3. Manjistha

Manjistha is a blood purifier that may cure the skin from within. Make a paste by mixing the powder of Manjistha root with water or carrier oil such as coconut oil or sesame oil. Apply the paste to the afflicted region and wash it off after 20-30 minutes. Consuming Manjistha capsules can also help reduce dark spots.

4. Masoor Dal

Masoor Dal or red lentils are a good depigmentation treatment agent. Soak a small cup of red lentils overnight and grind them into a fine pulp. Apply it to your face and rinse it with cold water after 30 minutes.

5. Potato

Potatoes have vitamins B6 and C and minerals rich in antioxidants that help in collagen production and even your skin tone. Grate a potato and squeeze out the juice. Apply the juice to the dark spots and leave it on for 15-20 minutes. Gently rinse it out with water.

6. Sandalwood

Sandalwood has skin-lightening properties and can help reduce the appearance of dark spots. Mix sandalwood powder with rosewater to create a paste, and apply it to the affected area. Leave it on for 15-20 minutes before rinsing it off.

7. Saffron

Saffron is an excellent natural ingredient in reducing dark spots. Soak a few strands of Saffron in a small water bowl and add two teaspoons of turmeric powder to prepare a paste. Apply this paste to your face to reduce pigmentation and dark spots.

8. Aloe vera gel

Aloe vera contains anti-bacterial properties and amino acids and has vitamins A, B, C, and E. Apply aloe vera gel directly to the dark spots and leave it on for 15-20 minutes before rinsing it off.

9. Buttermilk

Buttermilk is rich in lactic acid, which helps remove dead skin from your face and lightens your dark spots. Apply buttermilk directly on dark spots with the help of cotton and leave it for 20 minutes. Wash your face with clean water and see the results.

10. Papaya

Papaya has enzymes and mineral elements which are the natural ingredients for removing dark spots. Apply a paste of ripe papaya on your skin and leave it to dry. Rinse with clean water after 20 minutes. It will help in bringing a glow to your face.

Use Ayurvedic Skin Treatments Regularly

Using ayurvedic products made of natural ingredients and herbs helps treat dark spots. Below are a few Ayurvedic treatments you can regularly use if you suffer from dark spots.

#1 Kumkumadi Tailam  

Kumkumadi Tailam, or saffron oil, is well known for its ability to repair dull, pigmented, damaged, and ageing skin.

How to Apply

1. Clean your face with pure rose water. 

2. Apply 3-4 drops of Kumkumadi Tailam on your face and give it a gentle massage using your fingertips. 

3. Leave it overnight and wash your face properly the following day.

Note: For nightly use only and should not be applied during the daytime.

#2 Nalpamaradi Tailam  

Nalpamaradi Tailam contains Turmeric, sesame oil, vetiver roots, amla, and Indian madder. It is a very efficient herbal remedy to repair pigmentation, uneven skin tone and marks.

How to Apply

1. Take a few drops of Nalpamaradi oil and gently massage your face.

2. Leave it for half an hour. 

3. Rinse your face using a mild herbal cleanser.

Note: This oil may stain yellow due to ingredients such as Turmeric; therefore, take suitable precautions on application.

#3 Jwalini Oil 

Jwalini oil contains certain herbs processed in pure coconut milk and sesame oil. It is an effective treatment for tan and hyperpigmentation caused by sun damage. 

How to Apply

1. Take a few drops of Jwalini oil and gently massage your face until the oil is well-absorbed into your skin. 

2. Wash your face with a mild herbal cleanser after half an hour.

Note: Suitable for all skin types except for acne-prone skin. 

#4 Eladi Oil

Eladi Tailam is useful in improving skin texture and complexion by eliminating dark spots and patches.

How to Apply

1. Add a few drops of oil gently to the affected area on your face

2. Leave it for half an hour and wash it off with plain water. 

#5 Kanaka Oil

Kanaka Thailam contains natural herbs like liquorice, sesame oil, manjistha, Chandana, and nagakesara that help remove facial pigmentation and dark scars.

How to Apply

1. Take a few drops of Kanaka oil and gently massage the affected area on the face.

2. Wash it off using normal water after half an hour. 


Ayurvedic remedies are effective in getting rid of dark spots. Through the use of natural ingredients such as turmeric, aloe vera, sandalwood, etc., the appearance of dark spots on the skin can be effectively reduced. 

It is important to remember that consistent use and patience are key when using Ayurvedic remedies, as they may take longer to show results compared to chemical treatments. Additionally, it's always recommended to consult an Ayurvedic practitioner before starting any new treatment.