Ayurvedic Skincare Routine: A Complete Beginner’s Guide

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Skincare is at the forefront of beauty tips. Looking flawless has a lot to do with perfect skin, and people seem to be finally paying attention to it. The best way to keep your skin in top form? Build skin care routines that suit your skin, and for those who want an organic, holistic approach to this, ayurveda has the solution for you.

There is a myth that skincare routines are tedious and time-consuming, which is completely wrong. In this blog, you will learn how to build an ayurvedic skincare routine that suits your skin. By the end of it, you will know how to create and follow a simple routine that is highly effective.

Understand Your Skin Type

Before you go for any ayurvedic remedy or skincare routine, you must first understand your skin type. Based on ayurveda, there are three skin types; Vata, Pitta and Kapha. Vata skin is dry and wrinkle-prone with fine pores while Pitta skin is susceptible to all kinds of rashes and breakouts, and Kapha skin type is usually much thicker and oilier than the other two and often prone to enlarged pores, blackheads, pimples, and eczema.

So, for the best results, first, understand your skin type and see what works with it before you create a skincare routine.

Skin Care Routines Based on Skin Type

Vata Skin

Vata skin is dry, delicate and cool and is vulnerable to dry and windy weather. It needs to be nourished and juiced up regularly, so using cold-pressed oils, honey and ghee is recommended. The simplest skincare routine for Vata skin types is as follows.

Step 1: Use an organic honey cleanser to cleanse your skin.

Step 2: Use a face serum to deeply moisturise your face, and use a thick cream in upward strokes on your face and neck.

Step 3: Moisturize your skin before bed every day for glowing skin the next day.

Other important tips:

  • Drink lots of water, at least 2 litres a day.

  • Mediate and incorporate other relaxation techniques into daily life.

  • Massage the skin with almond or avocado oil

  • Consume plenty of ghee, olive oil or any other healthy fats.

Pitta Skin

Pitta skin tends to be warm, soft, sensitive and fair. It has medium thickness and is less tolerant to hot food, and is more prone to rashes and sunspots. So, take extra care from exposure to sunlight and use more cooling herbs like vera, rose, and jasmine. If you have a Pitta skin type, you can follow the below routine.

Step 1: Use a mixture of ubtan and rose water to cleanse your skin.

Step 2: Reapply the rose water and massage your skin once the ubtan dries off.

Step 3: Finally, moisturise and tone your skin with lots of sunscreen.

Other important tips:

  • Consume cooling food like tender coconut water, avocados and bananas and cook food in coconut oil.

  • Apply coconut oil to your skin regularly.

  • Reduce the intake of coffee, alcohol and spicy food.

Kapha Skin

Kapha skin type is on the other end of the spectrum when compared to Vata skin types. It is very tolerant to the sun and is oily, thick, soft and cool. It ages slower and forms fewer wrinkles but may struggle with dull complexion, acne, excessive oil, water retention and blackheads. What it needs is internal and external detoxification. So cleansing is more important than anything else and keeping that in mind, here is the skincare routine to follow.

Step 1: Mix half a teaspoon of ubtan with Aloe Vera juice and apply it on the skin.

Step 2: Leave it on for a few minutes and then dampen it again and scrub it off.

Step 3: Once the skin is rinsed and dried, use a facial mist to refresh it.

Step 4: End it with light moisturising and SPF.

Other important tips:

  • Detoxify the body regularly.

  • Exfoliate the skin weekly using mud or clay masks.

  • Use warming oils like mustard seed oil, grapeseed oil, or almond oil to massage your skin regularly.

  • Exercise daily and consume plenty of organic vegetables and fruits.

  • Consume food with warming spices like ginger, cayenne, and black pepper.


There is a myth that skincare routines are laborious and time-consuming. But they really are not, as a matter of fact. You can have a skincare routine that is both simple and quick. In this blog, you have learnt how to build a simple ayurvedic skincare routine based on your skin type. So you can just find out what your skin type is and put this into use today!