DIY Ayurvedic Hair Oil Recipe for Growth, Insomnia and Stress

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Apart from rejuvenation, Ayurvedic hair-oiling has the added advantages of strengthening hair roots and nourishing hair shafts, promoting new hair growth, and softening and conditioning the hair.

There are many types of oils available in the market. Making homemade oil can ensure the usage of the best quality ingredients in their purest forms. In this blog, we are preparing 500ml oil, which can be stored in an airtight container with a shelf life of 6 months to 1 year.

All the ingredients are readily available and are very easy to prepare. This oil is an extremely beneficial solution to all hair-related issues and can promote hair growth and prevent dandruff, premature graying, irritations, stress, insomnia, anxiety etc. Applying this homemade oil can help you to relax and fight all hair-related issues.

Ingredients for Ayurvedic Hair Oil

1. Bhringraj (Eclipta Alba) [50 gm]

Bhringraj, also known as False Daisy or 'Kesha raja', is best known for treating the hair follicles, reducing hair fall and promoting hair growth.

In this recipe, you can use either dried or fresh form of Bhringraj.

2. Fenugreek seeds [25 gm]

Fenugreek, also known as methi seeds, is rich in iron and protein and nourishes hair shafts to prevent hair damage and promote thick hair growth.

3. Amla (Indian Gooseberry) [50-250 gm]

Amla or the Indian gooseberry treats hair loss effectively. The vitamins and minerals present in Amla, increase blood circulation in the scalp, stimulating hair growth.

In this recipe, you need both dried and fresh Amla.


  • Dry Amla: 50 gm
  • Fresh Amla: 250 gm

4. Mulethi (Liquorice- Glycyrrhiza glabra) [50 gm]

Mulethi plays a crucial role in promoting hair growth. It effectively increases blood circulation in the scalp and hair follicles, which enriches the roots by bringing in more nutrients through the blood supply and helps new hair growth.

5. Neem Leaves (Azadirachta indica) [25 gm]

Neem leaves are one of the best herbs for treating hair loss, by strengthening the hair follicles and promoting hair growth.

6. Aloe Vera Leaves [2 medium size] 

Aloe vera contains vitamins A, C, and E. These three vitamins contribute to cell turnover, promoting healthy cell growth and shiny hair, and reducing hair breakage and fall. 

7. Coconut oil/ Sesame oil [500 ml]

Enriched with vitamins, essential nutrients, and fatty acids, sesame and coconut oil nourishes the scalp leading to more robust and healthier hair and is excellent for hair growth and preventing hair fall.

8. Cow Milk [500 ml]

Milk contains hair-friendly nutrients like Vitamins A, B6, biotin, potassium, proteins, lipids, and calcium, promoting hair growth and preventing hair fall.

9. Water [2 liter]

Water is a critical ingredient that supports vitamins, contributing to your hair growth.

Process of Making the Ayurvedic Hair Oil

Simply follow these easy instructions to prepare your homemade ayurvedic hair oil. To save time, you can begin by prepping the components ahead of time or in between making the recipe.

#1 List of Appliances/Tools Required

  • Iron Wok (kadhai) of 4 liter capacity
  • Mixer
  • Sieve(large holes)
  • Sieve(fine holes)
  • Cotton cloth(s)
  • Airtight glass container

#2 Preparing all the Ingredients

1. Dried Bhringraj: Separate the hard pieces and grind them into a powder using a mixer.

2. Mulethi: Cut the mulethi barks into small pieces and keep them aside.

3. Neem leaves: Wash and separate the neem leaves from the main stem.

4. Fresh Amla: Cut the fresh amla into tiny pieces.

5. Aloe vera: Skin it and extract the pulp from Aloe vera.

6. Cow Milk: Boil the milk and keep it aside to cool to room temperature.

#3 Making the Ayurvedic Hair Oil

Phase 1: Preparation of Concoction (kaadha)

  • Step 1: Place the iron kadhai or wok on a flame and add 2 liter of water.
  • Step 2: Add the powdered bhringraj.
  • Step 3: Put the Fenugreek seeds into the mixture.
  • Step 4: Mix in the Dried Amla.
  • Step 5: Add the cut Mulethi barks to the mixture.
  • Step 6: Stir the mixture frequently till the concoction reduces to 1/4th quantity and off the flame.

Note: To save time, while the mixture is being made, you may chop the fresh Amla and remove the Neem leaves from the stem and grind them to a paste.

Phase 2: Cooking Process

  • Step 1: Heat 500ml coconut/sesame oil in a wok.
  • Step 2: Pour in the previously made kadhai mixture.
  • Step 3: Add the boiled and cooled cow milk to the mixture. Make sure the milk is filtered while adding it.
  • Step 4: To the solution, add crushed aloe vera pulp.
  • Step 5: Add the earlier prepared amla and neem paste to the solution
  • Step 6: Cook the solution while stirring constantly until water content is completely gone.

Note: All the water content should be completely removed from the mixture. Test for moisture in the mixture by exposing a little paste from the mixture directly to the flame.

  • If there is a sputtering sound/ reaction, the paste is not yet ready.
  • If there is no noise or any sort of reaction, the combination is ready for filtration.

Phase 3: Extraction and Storage

  • Step 1: Strain the oil mixture in a sieve with large pores initially and make sure you press the solution.
  • Step 2: Filter the oil solution through a sieve with fine holes and then through a cloth to remove any remaining particles.
  • Step 3: Before pouring to a container make sure you filter again.
  • Step 4: Store the prepared oil in an airtight container.

Important Steps to Keep in Mind

  1. Boil the milk before using it.

  2. Make sure water is completely evaporated from the paste.

  3. Test the paste by putting it into the flame.

  4. Use an airtight container for storage.

The Ayurvedic hair oil recipe in this blog contains the ultimate solution for all the hair-related problems you face in daily life, such as hair fall, thinning, insomnia, and stress. 

All the ingredients mentioned in the blog are easily available and are excellent for hair growth and show the best results if you use them regularly. This ayurvedic oil is highly recommended and extremely easy to prepare and can be stored for a long time period.