DIY Ayurvedic Hair Oil Recipe for Faster Hair Growth

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There are tons of hair oil on the market. If you seek herbal or ayurvedic options, you have loads of them out there as well. Many of them, however, may either contain harmful substances or be very expensive.

Most of the good herbal oils in the market are overpriced and often don’t live up to the expectation. To solve this, you can prepare ayurvedic hair oils right at your home, and this herbal oil that you are going to learn to make in this blog is one of them. 

This is an oil that aids in hair growth and possesses all the important ingredients that nourish the hair and scalp. It is easy to make and extremely useful. Without further ado, here is how to make your own herbal hair oil at home.

Ingredients Required

  • Coconut Oil: 1litre
  • Mustard Seeds: 1 tbsp
  • Fenugreek Seeds: 3 tbsp
  • Cloves: 7 to 8
  • Grated Amla: 7 tbsp
  • Grated Onion: 1
  • Henna Leaves: handful
  • Hibiscus Leaves: Handful
  • Hibiscus Flower: 20
  • Tulsi Leaves: Handful
  • Brahmi Leaves: Handful
  • Curry Leaves: Handful
  • Durva Grass (gharke hullu): 15 springs

Preparation of Ingredients

Grate 1 onion finely and store it. Grate a few Amlas and store it.

Cooking Instructions

Step #1

Take a litre of coconut oil and heat it on low flame. Add a tablespoon of Mustard seeds, 3 tablespoons of Fenugreek seeds, 7 to 8 cloves, and 7 tablespoons of grated Amla in that order. Grate an onion and add it to the concoction, after which stir the concoction.

Step #2

Add a handful of Henna leaves, a handful of Hibiscus leaves, 20 hibiscus flowers of any colour, and a handful each of Tulsi, Brahmi and Curry leaves. Then add 15 springs of Durva Grass or Gharke Hullu to it.

Step #3

Boil the Concoction on low flame until it turns dark to the point that it is black in colour. 

Step #4

Once the concoction has turned dark, remove it from the stove and filter it immediately.

Step #5

Cool the filtered concoction and seal it in an airtight jar.


This oil has all the essential ingredients to nourish your hair and scalp and keep them healthy. It is especially effective in speeding up the growth of hair. You can easily prepare the oil at home without much effort. Just have the ingredients ready, follow the instructions written down in the recipe, and your oil will be ready in minutes.